Say Hello To Your Inner Critic

Say Hello To Your Inner Critic

I work with many highly-talented, high-performing executives with proven track records of success. Inside, however, they don’t always feel secure. The inner critic is something most of us carry around. It’s that voice that nags you, saying you’re not good enough, you’re going to be judged, and you should probably just keep quiet right now. I am getting to know my inner critic pretty well. Just writing this post raises the feeling that people will think I'm being a know-it-all. Who am I to give advice, anyway? Sometimes it feels like my inner critic isn't just one voice, but a full-sized marching band. So I can relate to my clients, who have accomplished a lot, and yet hear the inner critic whenever they try something new. Sometimes the way we react to the…
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Four Ways Gratitude Can Help You Do Your Job

Four Ways Gratitude Can Help You Do Your Job

Psychologists have recently paid more attention to the role of gratitude in improving physical and mental health. Gratitude is also a topic of interest in the workplace, as a way to motivate employees and build first-rate teams. While you can’t fix all your problems with positive thinking, research indicates that putting effort into feeling thankful—and, when appropriate, expressing gratitude to others--can be beneficial for health and relationships. 1. Being thankful is associated with a healthier heart and other health benefits. “We found that more gratitude in these patients was associated with better mood, better sleep, less fatigue and lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers,” says the lead author of this study. 2. Thankfulness can help you and your colleagues cope with difficulty. There is scientific evidence that people who feel gratitude can enhance well-being in…
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3 Great Leadership Books For Summer Reading

3 Great Leadership Books For Summer Reading

These three leadership reads offer great insights while also being brisk and entertaining—perfect for the beach or campsite. Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time by Susan Scott Executive and leadership coach Susan Scott asserts that relationships are built on having the right conversations. Through the stories, tools and worksheets in this book she outlines how to have the “fierce” conversations of her title. Wall Street Journal bestseller. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful by Marshall Goldsmith with Mark Reiter Executive coach Marshall Goldsmith tackles the interpersonal issues that even successful executives face, focusing on the top 20 bad habits that can undermine relationships in business and in families, with practical advice on how to…
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