Why and How to Become More Generous

Why and How to Become More Generous

Being generous to others can be surprisingly good for the giver. You may have even heard about the research showing that generosity can benefit our physical and mental health. According to the white paper linked above, "Giving social support—time, effort, or goods—is associated with better overall health in older adults, and volunteering is associated with delayed mortality. Generosity appears to have especially strong associations with psychological health and well-being." I often refer to generosity as a kind of “usefulness" which at its heart involves cultivating an open, curious and willing attitude, and a commitment to hearing, seeing, and showing empathy for others.  Here are some other ways being useful can improve lives: Sharing knowledge, expertise, and connections brings you into contact with more people and more ideas—it's a creativity boost.Giving is contagious…
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